Inside the mind

To describe myself would be impossible. Try to sort through the aimless dialogue that goes through my head and figure me out for yourself. I'm still trying.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Family, Frustration and Fun

I don't know why I continue to torture myself with this thing called Blogs. It seems to me that I was not mean't to blog. I hate Blogging. It means I have to put myself and my thoughts into words. This is ridiculous. Read my mind.........
oh well. I know it's impossible so here I go to suffer through another painful blog entry after 10 mins of figuring out which account it was under and finally figuring out how to add a post not create ANOTHER blog.

Mom recently has been sending me pictures and telling me about all the things that the family gets to do. She keeps me up to date on the ER activities and the great times that you guys have. I've decided since I cannot be there, I will alter photos so that you all can see I left my mark. This is the first of many yet to come.

So it seems its Ed week. Many things keep coming up about Uncle Ed. Questions about my childhood, relatives, Stories of time spent visiting them. I sat down and explained Ed fully to Kerrianne who's heard the many Ed references and a few stories. Then, he came up in a conversation with AMA. Finally I go to my mother's blog and see that my nephew has been asking about Ed. Time to call him. Wonder how he's doing. I got to thinking.....Family get together, this 4th of July in Tawas. We'll all rent hotel rooms, Dad will bring the boat....We can spend a weekend up at the cottage so to speak. I WILL organize this. Maybe Uncle Dave even. He doesnt have that many years left in him and everyone hates to admit we love him but have one summer where we all come to him. It would mean the world to him. Why you ask? Why in the hell would I want to go up there and do that? One simple answer. A man spends his entire life working towards goals and futures only to be beaten kicked bit and scratched. Some men make it, others do not. All in all we try to take whatever moments of happiness with us when we stumble upon them. We always have those things that we always wish would happen but they never do. I think Ed's is to know someone Cares...and is Proud of him. I am. I see the man over the years do many selfless acts out of the kindness of his heart no matter what he grumbles while he's doing it. I remember trips to Ed's to go spend a week or two with him. I remember the lessons he taught me. No matter what Ed always led you to believe you were cutting your own path but being smart about it. All in all he was teaching lessons of love and life through the teachings that he knew was good. I just want to thank him for everything he has taught me about life. We didn't spend years and years together but what he did teach me was lifelasting. I only hope to be able to be as good a man as you are....and pass forth that knowledge to those I love as you did me.


Mona said...

Set the date....I will be there!

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

mOM--we have plans that week!

Sabastian said...

Yeah you have plans that week.....In Tawas. HAHAHA. I'm tired of being excluded from every vacation, holiday and whatever OTHER than Christmas

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Karen is gonna kill you!

Mona said...

I like the shirt YOU created better than the original! LOL